S1#config t
S1(config)#vlan ?
internal internal VLAN
S1(config)#vlan 2 (Назначаем Vlan 2)
S1(config-vlan)#name Sales (Именуем Vlan 2. Даем название Sales.)
S1(config-vlan)#vlan 3 (Назначаем Vlan)
S1(config-vlan)#name Marketing (Именуем Vlan 2. Даем название Marketing.)
S1(config-vlan)#vlan 4 (Назначаем Vlan)
S1(config-vlan)#name Accounting (Именуем Vlan 2. Даем название Accounting.)
Смотрим, что получилось.
S1#sh vlan
VLAN Name Status Ports
---- -----------------------------------------------------------
1 default active Fa0/3, Fa0/4, Fa0/5, Fa0/6 Fa0/7, Fa0/8, Gi0/1
2 Sales active
3 Marketing active
4 Accounting active
Т.е., все порты свича по-умолчанию принадлежат VLAN 1.
S1#config t
S1(config)#int fa0/3
S1(config-if)#switchport ?
access Set access mode characteristics of the interface
backup Set backup for the interface
block Disable forwarding of unknown uni/multi cast addresses
host Set port host
mode Set trunking mode of the interface
n0negotiate Device will not engage in negotiation protocol on this interface
port-security Security related command
priority Set appliance 802.1p priority
protected Configure an interface to be a protected port
trunk Set trunking characteristics of the interface
voice Voice appliance attributes?
Назначаем интерфейс членом VLAN.
S1(config-if)#switchport mode ?
access Set trunking mode to ACCESS unconditionally
dynamic Set trunking mode to dynamically negotiate access or trunk mode
trunk Set trunking mode to TRUNK unconditionally
S1(config-if)#switchport mode access (Назначаем режим Access)
S1(config-if)#switchport access vlan 3 (Назначаем интерфейс членом VLAN 3)